
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

#TuesdayTips :: Rainy Wedding Days

Well, Dallas is certainly having it's fair share of rain over the past few weeks, and it looks like it won't let up any this week at ALL! "Rain, rain, go away" is playing in my head at this point lol! While my event this past weekend was indoors, I did get soaked walking through parking lots and have wet socks most of the day! I saw tons of posts from others who were fighting the weather and dealing with what rain can do to your wedding day. Here are a few of my top suggestions if you get stuck in this situation!

Photo by Imagine It Photography

First and most importantly, have a Plan B. If you're planning a wedding during the known rainy season and you have an outdoor event planned, be sure to have a backup indoor location already locked down and available if the weather won't permit your outside event to go on. There are always tons of other people scrambling for last minute indoor venues when the rain hits, so make sure you have your plan worked out before the last minute!

Some venues have both indoor and outdoor spaces available, so it's an easy change that doesn't require notifying your guests. If your location is outdoor only and you change to an indoor location elsewhere, you'll need to update your guests that the location is changing due to weather. It's best to have someone (or a few people) designated to handle that task.

If there are any uncovered walkways or similar that your guests must navigate, be sure to have umbrellas provided to keep them as dry and as comfortable as possible. A pretty basket of rolled-up "dry-off" towels to use once your guests make it inside is a nice touch as well.

Lastly, make the most of the rain! Even with all the headaches it brings, let's be makes for some amazing photo opportunities on wedding day!

Photo by Studio B

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